.. include:: ../README.rst Configuration ============= ================================ ============================================= Option Description ================================ ============================================= :code:`AUTH_LOGIN_ENDPOINT` The name of login endpoint. Default is :code:`"auth.login"` :code:`AUTH_LOGIN_URL` The url of login endpoint, if this is set, it will take precedence over :code:`AUTH_LOGIN_ENDPOINT`. Default is :code:`None`, which means :code:`AUTH_LOGIN_ENDPOINT` will be used. :code:`AUTH_SESSION_NAME` The name of session to store the auth token, if it is not set, value of :code:`SESSION_NAME` will be used, if that is not set either, the default key name :code:`"session"` will be used. :code:`AUTH_TOKEN_NAME` The name of the key used in session to store user token. Default is :code:`"_auth"` ================================ ============================================= API === .. automodule:: sanic_auth :members: Full Example ============ .. literalinclude:: ../examples/note.py Changelog ========= - 0.3.0 - Support Sanic 20.3.0 - Drop python 3.5 support. - 0.2.0 - Handling of unauthorized request can be customized. - Properly handle async user loader. - 0.1.0 First public release. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`